Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Curb Appeal - The Do's and Don’ts That Will Get You the Most Return

You have considered the turmoil in the real estate market. You have seen the highs over the past years and the very lows of the recent years. Now with the ups and downs you have decided to put your property on the market.

Regardless of how good the inside might look, if you can't get potential buyers past the front door, it won't really matter. The small bit of peeling paint on the front porch and the bare spots on the lawn should not bother the interested buyer, right? Maybe yes, maybe no, but then again they could see these small flaws and drive right by – thinking "if there are flaws out here, then there has to be problems inside as well". Don't under estimate the value of a first impression. And furthermore don't underestimate the importance of a house's curb appeal.

Basically, "curb appeal" is the impression a property makes when first seen, either during a drive by in a car or walking past from the sidewalk. If the outside is clean and neat, buyers will walk into the house with the idea that the inside will be the same. If the outside is disheveled and unkempt, they (the buyers) may not be interested in walking in and possibly will never see the work that you have done.

So here are some "don'ts" to a property's curb appeal:

-Don't let vegetation grow into a jungle. Remove dead trees and branches and prune overgrown shrubs.
-Don't let peeling paint or deteriorating wood go unaddressed. If cleaning doesn't help, you can always revive it with a fresh coat of paint.
-Don't put off repairs; if you can’t fix it, hire a handy man and get it done.
-Don't leave random items in the lawn or have broken furniture scatted about; it will make the place seem cluttered and distract the buyer. And finally,
-Don't leave burned out lighting – light is a huge part of a first impression, so make sure all the outdoor lighting is working.

Here are some quick "dos" for the property:

-Do take a tour of the exterior and note any problems.
-Do relocate unwanted items (like trash cans) to an unseen area.
-Do make windows sparkle – a little cleaning goes a long way.
-Do focus on small things like your mail box, your house number, or some healthy potted plants. And finally,
-Do make sure your home is properly lit and add lights if necessary.

Don't hesitate to contact Interiors Refined by Paula when you decide to put your home on the market.

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